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Luz Divina Mundo Espiritual

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 orgetfulness of the Past

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Cantidad de envíos : 151
Edad : 43
Localización : Puerto Rico
Empleo /Ocios : Medium
Fecha de inscripción : 24/03/2008

orgetfulness of the Past Empty
MensajeTema: orgetfulness of the Past   orgetfulness of the Past Icon_minitimeDom Abr 13, 2008 12:38 pm

Forgetfulness of the Past

We cannot remember our past lives and it is here that we see the wisdom of God. If we were to remember all the evil we had done in the past, the suffering we had caused, the enemies we had made or those who had caused us harm, we would be in no state to live amongst them at this moment. Today it is not infrequent that these enemies from the past have become our children, our brothers or sisters, our parents or husbands, our wives or friends, whom we now meet again in close proximity so that we may find reconciliation. It is for this very purpose that reincarnation exists.

One thing is certain, today we are correcting past mistakes perpetrated against others; suffering the consequences of crimes we have committed; while perhaps on the other hand, we are being helped and upheld by those who, in the past, caused us harm. So we begin to see the importance of the "family" unit, where it is customary to remake links that had been cut off in past existences.

Reincarnation then, is an opportunity to make reparation, just as it is also the opportunity to devote our energies toward the good of others, which speeds up our spiritual evolution. When we reincarnate we bring with us a "life plan", which comprises of promises assumed before God and ourselves with regard to reparation for the evil we have practised and to do all the good we can. Depending on our spiritual condition, we may or may not be able to choose the trials, sufferings and difficulties to be undergone in order to progress.

In this way, reincarnation is the perfect mechanism of Divine Justice. It also explains why there exists so much inequality in the destinies of our fellow creatures on Earth.

The following are the main purposes of life on Earth:

To make amends for the evil that we have practised; our errors being paid for by various forms of suffering.
To be able to prove or measure our degree of evolution when faced with the difficulties of life.
To help Humanity and exemplify goodness before others.
To fulfil special missions, which is the case of elevated Spirits who offer great service to humanity.
Through the mechanism of reincarnation we can verify that God does not punish. We ourselves are the cause of our suffering, because as yet we have not understood the law of "cause and effect".
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